Just kidding. I weighed in this morning and I am down to 154 lbs. Three pounds GONE. I also lost an inch off my waist. I'm down to 35"!! I'm excited. Here's how I have done with my resolutions.
1. I really like this 20 gram goal. It is more doable because I can have a bite of this or that. It helps me feel like I'm not missing out. My family had ice cream tonight and I had a few bites. I almost always eat one of these for breakfast - Peanut Almond And Dark Chocolate. They have 10 grams of protein and 6 grams of sugar.
When I'm not planning to have a dessert at some point I'll eat one of these Weight-Watchers-Pecans-Caramel-Pecan-Crowns after lunch. They have several different flavors. I really enjoy the coconut ones. All the candies have 9 grams of sugar. That leaves me 5 grams for little bites of other things.
2. It's been hard for me to get 5 points a day. I have been doing it though. The only time I don't is on Sundays because I don't work out then. I also didn't get 5 points on the two days that were super cold because I didn't go to the gym. These things happen, but I'll just "find a way" to get my five points.
3. This one needs improvement - (the spiritual one) - but I came up with a plan. I really like to check boxes. Weight Watchers has this great thing with their mobile app and on their website that let's you check boxes.
I decided I'm going to check the vitamin box when I've studied the word of God each day. As you can see it's not checked yet, but it will be by the end of the day.
So glad you found something that's doable and working for you. We need to get together sometime now that you're back.