Thursday, February 6, 2014

Shirmp and Tangelos

Today is Orange Day!  We all wear orange and try to eat thing that are orange on Thursday.  I didn't just come up with this on my own.  I learned this through the Waldorf schooling curriculum that I use.  It is very interesting.  Here's how it works.

Sunday - White Day - the Sun
Monday - Purple Day - the Moon
Tuesday - Red Day - Mars
Wednesday - Yellow Day - Mercury
Thursday - Orange Day - Jupiter
Friday - Green Day - Venus
Saturday - Blue Day - Saturn

In fact, today I was teaching BD some Roman History.  Did you know that there are 7 hills in Rome?  On each hill they built a temple to one of the gods.  Apollo - the sun god, Diana - goddess of moon, hunting, and protecting children,  Mars - god of war, Mercury - god of business and trade, Jupiter - "the father of the gods", Venus - goddess of love.  The seventh hill was where the city was.  You will find in other languages that the days of the week are similar to planets/gods.  In Albanian, for example . . . 

Sunday - the sun
Monday - the moon
Tuesday - mars
Wednesday - mercury
Saturday - Saturn

Thursday and Friday don't match up.  I know they have something similar in French.

The other thing I love about having colors associated with days of the week is that it makes getting my kids dressed super easy.  I can just tell Bumbles, "It's orange day" and he knows what he's supposed to wear.  I have very few arguments about clothing this way.  In fact, I fold their clothes and put them in the drawer according to the day of the week.  They just take what's on top!  My older kids have a little more flexibility.  

Since it was orange day we had these.


So Sweet and Yummy!

This is my sister who is visiting with us. I loved the way she opened her Tangelo.

And her son who we call Shirmp (and no I didn't misspell it)

Bumbles and I decided we should call Tangelo's God popsicles because they were cold and juicy and dripping all over us.

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