Friday, March 25, 2011

Rules of the Road

I wanted to take you with me on my ride home from ballet.
This is a two way street. The red car on the right is parked.
There is only supposed to be parking on one side of the
street.  However, you can see the white van on the left.
It is also parked.  If you look really closely you can see that there
are two cars behind the white van.  They are trying
to get down the road.  But they have to wait until
the blue van and the white and gray cars pass. 
This is something that happens ALL the time.
We turn right onto a one way street. It looks almost wide
enough for comfort.

Unless someone parks half in the road, half on the sidewalk.
Very common.
Now we turn left onto a main road called
Rruga Kavajes.
You can see there are two lanes for traffic
and one lane for parking.
However, the gray car on the right is parked.
Here you can see many more cars in the right lane.
They are all parked.
This is a little further down the road. This is a very busy
two way road.  You can see the cars parked on the left.
You can also see the tail lights of a car driving the on the wrong
side of the road.  He just didn't feel like waiting in traffic so he
drove over into oncoming traffic.  Happens all the time.
We all had to drive around the car on the right
because he just couldn't stand to take a few
minutes and park his car in that wide open spot.
However, the rule here is, if you put on your
hazard lights you can do anything you want.
Then we all had to wait for the man selling the
cellphone chargers and the air fresheners.
Notice all the cars on the left driving in the wrong lane.
This is again a two way street.  But there are two
lanes of cars parked on the left so we have to adjust.
Now we round Wilson Circle.  I know it isn't a
good picture, but does anyone know what kind of bush
that is?  Sweets really likes it.
Again this taxi is parked as are a few more cars.
So the silver car has to squeeze between the
parked cars and the big truck.
This is a two way street.  This is my street.
Rruga Sami Frasheri.
Do you like the spacious sidewalks? You always have
to watch out for people walking in the street.
The road narrows.  You see how close I am to that car in
the other lane? Totally normal here.
The road widens for a minute only to narrow again
because someones' nephew had to build his
cafe in the road.
Here is one small stretch of decent road.  That is the
dam on the left.  I live on the other side of this
Home free.  But do watch out for that man
that prefers to walk in the road over the sidewalk.
I hope you enjoyed our ride.  I sure did.  Actually, this ride wasn't as bad as it could be.  These are the things we see every day.  Some people think it is crazy and they are scared to drive, not me.  I love it.  It is like playing a video game.  You should come over here and try it.  I do worry about the people though.  Sometimes they just jump right out in front of you.  You have to pay close attention every minute.
So, um, don't try to take pictures like I did.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Worst Mother

Today was not the best of days.  It started with Super Jack pulling down my curtain in the front room that I just finally made.  Andi was more upset than I was because he is the one that has to try to get it back in the wall.  He handled it pretty well though.  I guess now Super Jack knows why I kept saying, "Don't pull on the curtains."

Let's just skip ahead to the bad stuff, shall we?  We went to the botanical garden as usual.  There were a lot more people there.  I was doing a pretty good job keeping track of my kids and Bumbles was asleep in the buggy.  He woke up and wanted to nurse.  I was getting him all set up and when I looked up for Super Jack he was gone.  I went straight to the pond, which wasn't far, and looked for him.  (Always check the water first).  I was pretty sure he had gone over to where B.D. was, but I didn't want to waste time looking that way when he could have been in the pond.  When I was pretty sure he wasn't in the pond I yelled for B.D. asking if he knew where Super Jack was.  He did!!!!  I was so relieved.  I had made a big scene. 

What I don't get is why don't other moms freak out like that when their 3 year old is missing?  What is wrong with me?  There was another little boy that was with Super Jack and his mom wasn't worried about where he was.  Even when I went back to say Super Jack was fine, she didn't ask about her son.  I don't get it.

Okay, so if that wasn't bad enough, it gets worse.  I can barely type this.  It is just too HORRIBLE!  We had planned to go to a playground with one of the families at the botanical garden after the botanical garden.  The mother told me that things had changed and they weren't going now.  I suggested she come to my house.  While we were planning this my neighbor showed up and asked for a ride.  I apologized and let her know that I already had a full car.  She asked if I could just take her 4 year old.  I agreed.  We had 10 people in the car.

When we got home, we unloaded, locked the car and went in the house.  We were trying to get settled in.  I got some people some water.  My neighbor came over to pick up her daughter.  Then I kept saying, "Where is Super Jack?".  He wasn't outside.  He wasn't in the bathroom.  He wasn't in his room.  I kept asking, "Where is Super Jack?". Finally, a little girl said, "There was still a little boy in the car." 

I ran outside in my socks and there he was, locked in the hot car in his carseat.  I ran back in the house got my key and ran outside to set him free.  He had been screaming and crying, of course.  I am soooo UPSET with myself.  How could I have done that?  Poor Super Jack.  I hugged him and kissed him for the rest of the day.  He must have been out there for 20 minutes. 

I always wondered how people could forget their kids in the car.  Now I know.  Shame on me.

He did recover.
I thought the shirt was appropriate.

Sweets was giving him extra love too.
 We rounded off the day with some "Melissa" whole wheat spaghetti.
I hope you had a better day than me.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Fun Albanian Style

My day started off sweetly.

My kids made us breakfast.
Sweets and Super Jack set the table.
B.D. was the chef.
They're great.  They told me not to tell Andi because they wanted to surprise him.  I love how Super Jack gets all excited and does just what Sweets and B.D. tell him to.  B.D. is such a good cook and Sweets take such care in making the table beautiful.  I'm such a lucky mom.

We are trying to have a little fun since we are having Spring Break.  Today we went exploring.  We had heard about this place called "Blur" that had an outdoor playground, an indoor playground and a bowling alley.  I needed to go talk to the the people at the bowling alley about the Cub Scouts having a bowling activity.

We packed a lunch of PB&J and oranges and off we went.  I was afraid I might not be able to find it, but we drove right to it.  The playground was a little better than most places we've seen, but it still needed some attention.  There were lots of dangerous things.  No one seems to care about safety around here.

Bumbles had fun, but he didn't like the slide.

Sweets really liked the monkey bars.

So did B.D.
 I was getting tired of worrying about safety and holding Bumbles so we went inside.  Plus, Super Jack had to go potty.  We checked out their playground inside which was more like an arcade.  We did take a ride on the helicopters and bumpers cars.

We had lots of fun, but as soon as I said it was time to go Super Jack started boohoooing about how he didn't have any fun and he didn't want to go home.  I knew he was tired so I just told him I was sorry he was sad as I put him in his carseat.  He didn't fall asleep, but as soon as we got home the kids ran outside and played the rest of the day.  I love beautiful days.  It is so much easier to be a mom on a beautiful day.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Requirements to be a Good Parent

As I mentioned, I read

The Five Love Languages of Children

and I really loved it.  I even convinced my sister to read it. (Brownie points for me).

There are a few things you have to "do" in the book.  I have to say that I really don't like it when authors give me assignments  I don't like to stop reading to do my assignments.  I always think that I'll do it after I read the book all the way through, but then I forget.  However, this time I'm going to do my assignment.  The assignment was to write a requirement list.  I am supposed to start with a few items and add too it if I want to.

Here is the author's sample list.

1. Keep my child's emotional love tank full - speak the five love languages.

2. Use the most positive ways I can to control my child's behavior: requests, gentle physical manipulation, commands, punishment, and behavior modification.

3. Lovingly discipline my child. Ask, "What does this child need?" and then go about it logically.

4. Do my best to handle my own anger appropriately and not dump it on my child. Be pleasant but firm.

5. Do my best to train my child to handle anger maturely - the goal is sixteen and one-half years.

I really like his list and I just want to use his list, but I know I should make my own.  Here goes.

Requirements to be a Good Parent to B.D., Sweets, Super Jack, and Bumbles

1. Do as love requires even when I don't want to.  Get excited about all the things they show me and are excited about. Smile at them.  Touch and snuggle them every day. Say kind things to them.

2. Pray Two to Three times a day.  Read my scriptures daily.  I can't be a good parent without the Lord's help.

3. Be present. Be pleasant

4. Remember that children like routine and try to stick to it.  Remember if the routine gets disturbed that we might have cranky kids on our hands and adjust accordingly.

5. Be silly and full of good humor.

6. Seize the teaching moments to help my children grow to be faithful and well adjusted.

7. Let my kids get angry.  Keep my own anger in check.

8. Teach them to forgive. (that one is for you mom)

9. Teach them all the principles that are important to me by example.

I think that is it for now.  What do you think?  This is just the first draft.  You can't just make a list like this on the fly.  I have been thinking about it for a few years though.  There is still time to adjust it so please comment.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Love These Guys

I have been meaning to scan this for a long time, but I just haven't gotten around to it.  I finally remembered today, but Bumbles got to it before me and crinkled it. 

This is a drawing that Sweets drew.  I think it is amazing.  Am I wrong?  I seriously think it looks like Picasso.  I should know because I had Picasso wallpaper for several years.  I just can't get over how artistic it is.  Maybe it's just a mother's perspective.

Yesterday we had District Conference, which is when all the members of our church who live in or district (which is all of Albania) meet together.  Church started an hour later than we are used to so we had a little time to take pictures.
Everyone, except B.D., is wearing something handmade.
Super Jack's sweater is by Mamie.
Bumble's outfit is by my friend in Germany
and I made Sweets' dress.

I thought I'd take a picture of these
two because they were so well
We had to sit through a two hour meeting.  It started off really well.  We sat next to the missionaries that were translating into English.  I got each of my kids a set of earphones so they could understand the talks for once.  Of course, there were a few talks in English by some of our leaders.

It was so cute while it lasted,
which was only about 5 minutes.

We are having a 2 weeks spring break from school.  I'm so excited.  We might even go on a trip to another country.  I'm crossing my fingers for Greece, but I might have to settle for Kosovo. I tried to get all my work done today so I could just be lazy, but alas  . . . . A woman's work is never done.

I even made something yummy for dinner.  You should try it.  I love using my blender.  I forgot I could make interesting salad dressings now.  Romaine and Turkey Salad with Creamy Avocado Dressing.  I used chicken, but it was still yummy.  B.D. and Sweets didn't hate it.  Super Jack was not a fan.  I LOVED it.  It was pretty close to a Caesar salad.  Trying to eat more protein and greens.  I think my husband is really enjoying all the meat we've had around here.
Thanks for all your compliments about my interview.  It was fun being on TV, but it is even more fun to watch it.

Presenting . . .

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Will It Every Slow Down?

Our morning started at 7 a.m.  Andi was going to get up to take B.D. to the pancake breakfast, but . . . . we had no electricity.  We just kept hoping it would turn back on.  Finally at 8 it came back on, but we were an hour late.  When we opened our door we were greeted by one of my least favorite sites.

We were late and we didn't have time to clean it up so we just left it.  We enjoyed our pancakes!  I didn't eat any of course, but I did like the sausages.

We ran home from the pancake breakfast to change for our church meetings.  We were late.  But I had so much fun.  I had all these grown women singing and doing hand actions to Primary songs.  They thought it was wonderful. I think there are going to be a few grown-ups in Primary next week.  They said I should go on tour.  I have to say it was super fun.

I was supposed to stay for another meeting, but I was just too exhausted. I really just wanted to go home, but Andi suggested we go out for our favorite hamburgers.  I was reluctant, but it was a good idea.

I did finally get to go home and relax.  Of course, I can't relax long when I have so much to do.  I made everyone clean up their rooms and the dog mess outside our door. Once the house was clean I took pictures of my new curtains.

What do you think?

Still waiting for my husband to get that video ready.  His first attempt didn't maybe tomorrow.

Friday, March 18, 2011


I didn't take a picture of my curtains today.  I couldn't get my room clean enough.  Maybe tomorrow, but it promises to be a super busy day.  We are having a fundraising pancake breakfast for our Cub Scout Pack early in the morning.  Then we have to run off to some leadership training at our church.  Andi is getting trained and I'm doing some training.  I had the missionaries over tonight to help me get ready.  I'm going to train the other Primary leaders on how to teach children music. 

The missionaries made lots of "interesting" pictures for me.  I'm so grateful for their service.  My neighbor, Toni, even came over and helped us draw.  Speaking of neighbors.  I just LOVE my neighbors.  Yesterday my neighbor Ani got locked out of her house and stayed at my house for hours.  I LOVED it.  We talked all about her life.  It is so fun to talk to young people about their lives.  All I can say is Ani is a wonderful girl.  I told her about my blog.  I hope she starts reading it.

Today I spent some time with my upstairs neighbor.  Her name is Oni.  She has three little girls.  We are both very busy so we don't often get to spend time together.  When we do we sure have fun.  I taught her how to make Chocolate Chip Cookies and now she can't stop.  Her husband LOVES them.  Today she told me about this great film.


I think she was a little disappointed that I'd already seen it.  It really is a great film about marriage.  It stars Kirk Cameron.  I highly recommend it.

I've also been very worried for my sister-in-law who just had a baby.  She had a c-section and she is trying to heal from that.  She is also trying to breastfeed.  I am dying to be there to help her, but alas . . . . what can I do from here.  I'm writing to her and I've called twice.  I'll probably call again.  Please pray for her and her baby that they will get things figured out and that they will get good help and good information.  I do feel hopeful that one of my sisters is going there tomorrow to help her.  We are all doing everything we can. 

By the way, we finally got a copy of our interview.  Andi has to convert into a different format.  Hopefully, it will be ready tomorrow and you can all see it.  Even if you can't understand it you can watch me speaking Albanian and see my cute kids.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Smoothies and Curls

I made smoothies this morning!

No one really liked them except me.  Andi said they needed to be sweeter.  He isn't used to nonsugaric food like I am.  In fact, I'm starting to think that he has a sugar addiction.  It never seemed like it compared to mine, but now .  . . . I'm not so sure.

I also curled my hair.

It has been a long time since I have used a curling iron, but I'm still a pro.  My husband didn't even notice, but my neighbor was sure impressed  She couldn't figure out why I looked so cute today.

I am up late because I have been working feverishly to finish my curtains.  They are done!  I can't take a picture until tomorrow because you won't be able to see them very well in this light.  But you'll see them tomorrow for sure.

One last thing, I just want to tell you that I think SMS is the best way to make up. Andi and I do it all the time.  Let me give you an example

Me: We are bored out of our minds. How can it only be Wed and I'm already dying for Saturday.

Andi: Don't blame you.  You need smth fun to do.

Me: I need someone fun to play with.

Andi: Buy another husband

Me: Why are you resigning?

Andi: Well, can't seem to keep you happy

Me: Your presence makes me VERY happy  It's your absence that makes me unhappy.

Me: It is you that needs a new wife since your old one obviously doesn't thrill you anymore.

Andi: Whaaaaaaaat are u talking about?

You see he ignored me the other night and it really hurt my feelings.  My mom was just saying that he is just like my dad and it practically impossible to get his attention.  So true.  However, he knew he'd hurt me and he'd tried to make up for it in the morning, but I wouldn't let him.  When I was done being hurt we had this little texting party.  We both laughed and now everything is better.  "I just love, love.  Don't you just love, love?"  Name that movie!  

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Trying to Have Fun

Noni (my MIL) came home from Greece and brought my kids balloons, ugh!  Am I the worst mother in the world because I HATE balloons?  These are the reasons I hate them.

1. When children play with them they some times run into things, which causes personal injury or property damage.
2. They are dangerous for children under 3
3. They pop and kids cry

However, since I'm trying to find new ways to have fun other than food we've been playing with balloons

Here is Super Jack with three HUGE balloons (the kind that have a rubber band that you can bounce off your hand - I LOVE THOSE) around his waist.  These kind of balloons don't bother me as much.  I showed Super Jack how to bounce them, but he couldn't really get it.  He found his own way to play with them.

Bumbles was having lots of fun playing the the CD player and standing up against the couch.  So big and happy.

That was yesterday.  Sorry I didn't post, but sometimes I just need a break.  I know some bloggers have a certain day they take off, but I like to keep you guessing.

Today was YELLOW day!  I love YELLOW day.  That reminds me . . . When I was a kid we would always ask my mom what her favorite color was and she would always respond, "My favorite color of what?"  She would go on explaining that if we were talking about flowers or clothes or fabric her answer would be different.  I was always dying for my mom to just have a favorite color.  Now that I'm grown up I get what my mom meant. I really don't have a favorite color because all colors have a place and a purpose and for me it more about color combinations.  However, because I remember how frustrating it was that my mom didn't have a standard favorite color, I do.  Just like when I was a kid it is YELLOW.

So they hadn't had their hair done yet, but aren't they cute?
The funny thing is all of these clothes except B.D.'s pants were given to them by my mother.  You see she knows I have a color for each day. It is a Waldorf thing and has to do with the colors of the planets and therefore the days of the week.

Sunday - White - Sun
Monday - Purple - the Moon
Tuesday - Red - Mars
Wednesday - Yellow - Mercury
Thursday - Orange - Jupiter
Friday - Green - Venus
Saturday - Blue - Saturn

My kids have an outfit for each day. Sometimes we don't have just the right color, but we do the best we can.  Then, of course, when there are special days we switch around. For example, tomorrow is St. Patrick's day and we will wear our green clothes.

I had a lot of fun watching Sweets and B.D. practicing their ballet.  I hope you enjoy it too.

They were talking about how some of the kids at ballet stick their bums out when they plie and the teacher tells them they look like ducks.  I showed them my plie to see if they approved.  Sweets was really impressed.  I was just impressed I could still get my knees to do a grand plie. 

I was feeling really down today.  Partly because I'm super busy.  When I have a lot to do I just like to sit around thinking about how much I have to do and feel depressed about it.  It's so productive that way, not.  But that is what I did all day today.  I couldn't get out of my funk.  So   . . . . I went shopping . . . . with Noni. 

She had some credit at a electronics store here.  She already said she would buy me a blender.  She bought me a blender AND a curling iron!!!!  I'm so excited.  I haven't had a curling iron in YEARS.  Sweets is so excited too.  I snuggled with her before she went to bed tonight and she asked me if I like to do hair.  I told her I love it, but I just don't have a lot of time.  I told her by the time she was a teenager all the babies would be grown up and we could do each others hair every day.  She was really excited about that. 

Tomorrow promises to be fun with breakfast smoothies and curly hair. Stay tuned!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Out with the Old in with the New

I've been fighting mold in my house for awhile.  The last place to tackle was my bathroom. 

Can you see all the mold/mildew?
I finally changed it today.

Doesn't it look nice?  I can't wait to
take a shower tomorrow.
I have also been having a really hard time resisting sugar lately.  I guess it didn't help that my MIL got back from Greece yesterday and brought me LOTS of sugar.  Not only am I trying to get sugar out of my life.  I'm trying to get it out of my families life.  She brought them each a bag of candy like starbursts.  She brought them each a box of chocolate chip cookies and a big gooey wafer seasame seed thing.  They were thinking they could just eat them when and how they wanted since Noni (that is what we are calling their Albanian grandma now) gave them to them.  I informed them that it wasn't the case.  My kids are total sugarics!!!!  I can't let it go on.  My sister, Julie, is slowly teaching us about hormones and how they are effected by sugar.  I am also learning a lot about the subject from the book I'm reading

Food Fight! How to Knock Out Overeating

I'm also learning some strategies to change my behaviors so I can change my neuropathways.  I need to make a deck of cards.  On each card I write an emotion and on the back I have to right something that I will do that has nothing to do with food.  She calls them Emotional Ammo cards. I also need to write a mantra.  Shall we do it together?  I think so.

List 3 things you want to change

1. I'm out of shape
2. I'm tired
3. I can't eat the way I know I should

Beside each one write the opposite

1. I'm out of shape - I'm fit
2. I'm tired - I'm energetic
3. I can't eat the way I know I should - I eat the way I know I should

String the positive items together.

I'm fit and energetic because I eat the way I know I should.

Now we have to write it on a few 3x5 cards and post it around the house.   What will your mantra be?  I think I'll use this one, but I'm going to make another one or two.

Now that I wrote a mantra I guess I should make my Emotional Ammo cards, but . . . . Here is my EXCUSE.  I have small children and part of the reason I overeat is because I find it hard to have fun while taking care of 4 kids and keeping house all by myself.  I eat to have FUN.  If I didn't have small children I could do a lot of things that are fun like knitting, playing the piano, scrapbooking, gardening . . .  What small thing can I do for fun with 4 kids?  I just can't come up with anything.  Let me hear your ideas.