Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Happy Donut Day!

A few years ago many members of my family of origin changed our diets significantly.  There were many foods that we decided we weren't going to eat, donuts being one of them.  This went on for several months, maybe even years. One day, one of my nephews said something like this to his mom, "Mom, I know that donuts are bad for you, but I miss them.  Can't we just have some every once and awhile.".  Thus Donut Days were born.  My clever sister picked Ground Hog Day as a donut day because the ground hog comes out of a hole.  (cute!).  The other donut day is Labor day because it is about half way from Ground Hog Day and if you go to some donut shops you can watch the donut "factory".  Here's how our donut day went.
Sweets wore her Donut Shirt from Mamie!
We made the mix my sister sent and put it in the
AWESOME pan my sister sent.
Sweets and B.D. were so excited!
If you want one of these awesome pans go here Wilton Nonstick 12-Cavity Mini Donut Pan.  It's probably the nicest pan I own.

We dipped them in butter and cinnamon sugar

My kids ate about a dozen each
My mouth didn't even water. 

In other news . . . . Bumble's top tooth finally popped out.  He has been sticking his tongue out all day.  He is still trying to figure out what that new thing is in his mouth.


  1. These must be better for you since they are baked rather than fried, huh? They look good!
