Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Under Construction

Do you remember Marion the Magnificent Meat Man?  I want to change his name to Marion the Magnificent Mormon Meat Man.  Anyway, my husband came home today and told me that he has decided to stop eating sugar.  He says I've inspired him!!!!  I'm so excited.  It has really given me the boost I needed.  I have really been craving sugar.  I almost took a bite of a big dry-not-so-very-yummy cookie my friend gave to my kids.  I new it wasn't worth it, but I just really wanted to.  I was able to stay strong although I overdosed on my mom's schnitzel and roasted carrots (forgot to take a pictures - sorry).

I think the problem is that I need to restock my shelves with yummy non-sugaric food.  We are super busy here so we have run dry on a few things.

This is my mom working hard at making my house beautiful
Sweet's Room Before
Tune in tomorrow for the After picture.  We are almost done.  BTW Sweet's had a fever and was throwing up today.  No fun.


  1. Is that an Albanian sewing machine?

  2. I can't wait to see the after picture. I hope your sweet girl feels better soon!

  3. It is machine mom brought from austria.
